In this teaching, Rev. Chris instructs us to focus on the will of God. Don't look back. There is nothing to gain from your past, only everything to lose.
In this sermon, examine what Christmas means to you. Is it just another day?
Rev. Steve's sermon, "Is God Working Through You?" explores the lives of Job and King David to highlight the importance of aligning our desires with God's. The sermon emphasizes the danger of letting self overshadow God's plan.
Rev. Steve shares how you can overcome obstacles and receive your miracle by following God's Word and trusting His timing. In this message, learn to obey, trust the Holy Spirit, and expect God's glory in your life!
In "Let God Move, Part 2," Rev. Steve reminds us to trust in God's miracle power, stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and believe that God can move in our lives today, just as He has in the past.
In this message, Rev Chris examines the works and power of the Antichrist and the false prophet in the second half of the Tribulation Period, as the Lord gave it to John the Revelator.
In today's message, "The Foolish Shepherd Over the Flock of Israel," Rev. Chris explores the powerful contrasts drawn in Zechariah 11. This in-depth study sheds light on the self-sacrificing and loving guidance of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, and Foolish Shepherd's destructive, deceitful leadership.
In "The Grace of God," Rev. Steve reminds us that God's grace is a gift. Through the story of Rahab, he shows how faith and obedience lead to salvation and protection. God's grace is available to all who are ready to receive it.
Rev. Chris explores God's covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai to reveal the profound significance of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The Old Testament, rich with types and shadows, shows us God's deep desire to fellowship with His people.
God's goal is to shape you into someone He can use for His honor and glory. In this message, Rev. Chris explores the Book of Jeremiah to help you understand how the potter works with vessels and what it takes to be a vessel of honor.
In this end-time sermon, Rev. Chris lays out scriptures about the Antichrist—who he is and what his characters are—and explains how the Antichrist will rise to immense power during the Tribulation Period.
Rev. Chris uses the Four Horsemen from Revelation to explain the rise, reign, and fall of the Antichrist. By looking at the white, red, black, and pale horses, we'll see how each represents different aspects of the end times and how they lead up to the final judgment. Join us to understand this powerful vision and its meaning.