Forsake Your Sins Rev. Steve explains the critical difference between covering your sins and getting rid of them. He also details the results of each one. Lost Every person born on Earth is a lost soul, but God wants more than anything for them to be found; and He has provided the means for that to happen. Read on to find out if you are one who is lost or found.
Do you look for and recognize the signs of God in your life and in the world around you? The messages in this issue will help you recognize, understand and respond to the many different signs of God because if you disregard even one of them, you will miss the Lord’s blessings and walk many wrong roads.
The Holy Ghost has so many crucial responsibilities in this final hour. The sermons in this magazine explore just some of His responsibilities and prove that you will not make it in this life or to Rapture ground without the Holy Ghost living within you.
The Power of Bible Prayer There is a difference between prayer and Bible prayer. This magazine teaches you the right way to pray and the power of those prayers. The Power of Reason There are so many benefits to reasoning with God, but many pitfalls await those who fail to do that and allow others to get their attention.
The sermons in this magazine delve deep into one of the most important subjects of this last hour--faith. Is God pleased with the faith you use; or does it get buried under loads of doubt, fear and self reliance? These questions and more are answered in this edition.
The sermons in this magazine point out the importance of sharing the Gospel with others, and they will put you on the path to doing that effectively.
Fasting is essential if you want to make it to Rapture ground. Let this magazine issue be a guide for you in how to fast and why it is so important for you to do so in this last hour of the pouring out of the Spirit.
Everything a child of God does is to give glory to the Lord. The sermons in this issue will direct you in how to take advantage of every opportunity to do that and encourage you to make necessary changes.
The divine blood of Jesus can do so much more than most people are aware of or take advantage of. This magazine teaches just some of things the divine blood of Jesus and the power it contains can do to change lives completely and give true abundant life right here on this Earth.
If you need a miracle, this magazine is for you. The sermons explain how to prepare for a miracle, how to receive a miracle and all that God’s power can do.
This edition explores promises—claiming God’s promises to us and following through on our promises to God. Every child of God must live by promise in this last hour, so you must study these end-time messages.
This issue introduces the unique and enlightening concept of spiritual bones and explores the importance of living the godly life the Lord intended for us.