In this last hour, the members of the Lord's bridal company must live in Bible heights so the Lord can use them for His work at any time. But first, you must know what Bible heights are and what the Lord requires in order for you to live in that place.
Living in Bible heights is living up to everything found in the Bible, but you have to work on coming into that place. First, you must understand what is required of you, and then you must spend much time with the Lord so He can make that understanding a reality in your life.
Living in Bible heights requires holiness, but you can only live there if you know what the Bible has to say about holiness. You must first study to understand the holiness of God and then you must let Him show you how to have that same holiness in your life every day.
To live in Bible heights, you must be perfect before God; but you must know what that perfection includes. The many scriptures in this message will open our eyes to the perfection we can have through Jesus Christ.
Holiness is an essential part of living in Bible heights, and this message delves deep into the scriptures to reveal what true holiness is in the light of this series.
You must understand how the Law tried to make the Israelites holy so you will understand the glory of our current grace dispensation and how the divine blood provides us with what we need to live holy every day before God.
All children of God must climb up to Bible heights with the Lord, but that is not enough in this final hour. You must know how to stay in those Bible heights, or you will never make it to Rapture ground.
When Jesus walked out of the tomb, He conquered death, hell and the grave; but he also walked out with many benefits for us. We must know what those benefits are and use them every day.
Jesus Christ's conquering power is one of the most important benefits of His resurrection, but you must know what that conquering power can do for you and how you can use it to help others.
Jesus brought us newness of life; but you must understand what that new life is, or you will never have the fulness that God offers His true children.
John the Baptist was a great witness of Jesus Christ, and we must be the same kind of mighty witnesses to God's love, grace and power and to the fact that they are still working in the world today. This message will give you insight into how to be the godly witness you can and must be.
The story of Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well is one of the most amazing examples of soul winning recorded in the Bible. This message will take you through that story verse by verse to give you a deeper understanding of exactly how the Lord worked to take full advantage of that opportunity; and in this last hour, true children of God must follow His lead.