The Holy Ghost has taken center stage during this final hour, and He is doing all He can to prepare the Bride for Christ’s return and to win every lost soul possible. However, He can only do His work through human beings, so you must know to be a vessel He can use in any way and at any time.
There is much more to being a child of God than being saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost. This message explains what it means to truly abide in Jesus and how to do that every day.
God gives everyone a measure of faith, but you will never have total victory in your Christian walk unless you know how to increase your faith.
So many Christians follow the Lord half-heartedly. This sermon reveals some of the consequences of half-heartedness and lays out the remedy for the “spiritual disease.”
Just having the Holy Spirit does not mean He has freedom to work for you. This message explains what grieving the Holy Spirit is so you can determine whether or not you have done that.
Life is a battle every day. This message directs you in how to stay on the winning side.
You will never truly be happy in the Lord unless you are satisfied with Him in all things, and you will never be satisfied in Him unless you understand His ways. If you walk the straight and narrow road with any regrets, you will tie God’s hands and prevent Him from giving you His best.
The Lord gives us everything we need to fight our battle with the devil, but you can’t use those things unless you know what they are.
The Bible says again and again that we must wait on God; but if you don’t wait on Him the right way, you will not receive the results you need.
Everyone has fear at one time or another, but most people don’t know how to get rid of it Fear is one of the devil’s greatest weapons he uses against the children of God, and it is more than just a mere hindrance. If it is allowed to linger, it becomes debilitating and even destructive; so you must know how to identify and get rid of fear the minute it arrives.
The Holy Spirit wants to direct every aspect of your life, but He will never intrude. You must learn to how to be sensitive to His gentle drawings, or you will miss them without even realizing it.
Jesus said all things are possible to those who believe. He performed masterful surgery years ago, and still does today.